Dr Toni Bark; MD and Helen Gracie, CEO of Scenar Health, have volunteered on a medical mission in Haiti during April 2010.


Tuesday, April 20, 2010

How SCENAR Was Seeded in Haiti

The word got out, and soon people were showing up at our compound, we were treating the monks, were were treating family members of the workers, we were treating the other volunteers for their injuries old and new with the usual amazing success.

We realized, we had to leave a device with someone who was staying long term at the AMURT compound and who'd be up in the hills where the people are sick but rarely get a visiting doctor.

We trained Sarita, a lovely pixie of a woman who overseas all the children"s programming and will be in Haiti for at least another year. We trained Jane, another truly lovely woman who's land and home up in the mountains in Kenscoff, was opened
to us for two days of clinic (Jane has locals showing up daily for medical help).

We held a small lecture for those interested in using the device to treat patients in the future. One of the attendees was a middle aged Haitian gentleman who was a traditional haitian doctor taught by his father and grandfather. He seemed the most astute and had the right questions.

We've seeded Haiti with the knowledge and some devices, now we need to develop an on going program and possibly Haiti will be ahead of some of the more developed nations with this wonderful and elegant technology.

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