Dr Toni Bark; MD and Helen Gracie, CEO of Scenar Health, have volunteered on a medical mission in Haiti during April 2010.


Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Staying positive...

Well it has been a learning curve for me this week! I am new to face book, started  a blog and at the suggestion of a well meaning friend,  briefly opened a pledgie account to enable friends wanting to contribute to the volunteer program a channel for doing so.

It seems that there is a whole crew of people on the internet who take objection to "pledgie"  style fundraising - so given I have no ulterior motive - it is simple to choose another way to have the money channelled. I intend to investigate which local charities are making a difference with least amount of $ wastage and then will provide links directly to them so that the cynics of the world can get some rest and stop trying to damage a worthwhile volunteer effort.

The good news is that while people have a differing opinion - at least there is debate and conversation.

SCENAR is well documented and researched to be effective in Russia. There is decades of research to prove its efficacy and it should be a choice for all people - and that includes Haitians.  Luckily there are people willing to to donate their time and expertise to go there and get the job done.

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